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Who We Are

Building a tolerant, peaceful, equal and inclusive democratic Society for all without discrimination


We envision building a tolerant, peaceful, equal, and inclusive democratic Society for all without discrimination where all people can coexist harmoniously and peacefully.

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Our primary mission is to promote democratic values, human rights, civic engagement, and peace through civic education, inter-faith dialogue, human rights training, campaign initiatives, research and advocacy.

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Respect: Treating equally without discrimination
Impartiality: Equal and just treatment of people without bias or discrimination.
Humanity: Compassion and respect for human dignity.
integrity: Know and do what is right
Servant Leadership: Serve the common good

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Positively impacting on a larger number of people in particular ethnic minorities.

About Us

PPM was founded in 2016 by Mr. Htet Swe, a human rights activist, in cooperation with a group of young people actively working with a mission to promote democratic values, human rights, civic engagement, and peace through civic education, inter-faith dialogue, human rights training, campaign initiatives, research, and advocacy.

Direct beneficiary

The PPM program has had a positive impact on a larger number of people, Muslims, Buddhist, Hindus and Christians including Rohingya, Rakhine, and other ethnic minority groups from Rakhine state. Beneficiaries are listed in the following order from 2016 to present:

Total Beneficiaries
Youth Participation
Female Participation
Diverse Ethnic Community Leaders

Our Funders

We would like to thank all of your generous supporters whose contributions helped make our program initiatives possible. Your belief in our mission has enabled us to extend our reach and make transformative impact in the life of youth and conflict affected communities.